
There is high uncertainty of income associated with agriculture due to its sole dependency on the monsoon at large. Growth in agriculture is widely and tangible part of economic development, which is mostly affected by unexpected climatic conditions.


Most available jobs in agriculture are associated with low and unstable incomes, poor safety and health conditions, inequality in pay and opportunities, and limited social protection. 

As noted above, most of the poorest live in rural areas, derive large share of their incomes from agricultural activities, and produce significant share of their own food. Invariably, the poor also spend large proportions of their incomes on food. Despite all these stereotypical conditions, the poor farmers toil and bring out the fruits of their “sweat”. However, when it comes to the returns, their hard work goes in vain by the time the fruits of their sweat reach the market.



This is leading the traditional farm workers to look for income from non-agricultural sources, which, in turn, has been driving people out of agriculture. On the other hand economic growth and urbonization have occurred, they are reflected into reduction in the number of people engaged in agricultural and its productivity.

Considering above circumstances, FIIP has identified need of extensive support for Agriculture sector into areas like  –

  • Training in enhancing the farmers knowledge & Skill from Cultivation-to-Harvesting-to-Post harvesting.     

  • Training of Modern Techniques, Innovative and Techno-farming to enhance Agriculture yield. 
  • Financial and extension services, Government Schemes and Subsidies. 
  • Helping Farmers for establishing market chains and Bulk storage. 
  • Stimulating Group and Collaborative Farming by establishing cluster of Farmer Producer Companies with authentic support system.  
  • Inculcate Farmers into Processing of Agricultural products. Supporting for setting up processing facilities.
  • Enable farmers for Export of their Agriculture Produce. 

With These Activities FIIP aims -

  • To make Farmers more efficient, more productive, cost effective and profitable. 
  • To enable Farmers to look at Farming as a Profession. 
  • To increase the income of various farmers by using innovative business models in Domestic and International markets. 

Ultimately FIIP is intending to make farmer ‘Atma-Nirbhar Kisan’.